Measures Concerning COVID-19

Beste heer, mevrouw,

Dear Mr./Mrs.

Hereby the measures we have put in place to prevent the spreading of COVID-19.

We strive to keep a safe work environment for both you and our employees. We therefore are following the guidelines of the RIVM and GGD. This means that we can still deliver products at this moment.

We have raised our service preconditions in your interests and our employees interests. We advise you/ our employees to:

-Wash your hands with soap for a minimum of 20 seconds, regularly

-Cough and sneeze in your elbow

-Use tissues

The following measures are to be followed specifically during Montrieurs’ deliveries:

-At this moment, we will not shake hands at arrival or departure. A friendly nod is our polite alternative. It would be preferable for you to hold the door open, so that our installation team doesn’t need to grab the door handle

-Please keep a distance between yourself and our installation team of at least 1,5m. If the installation is in your bedroom, then please wait in another room until when the installation is complete.

-Our installation teams have antibacterial gel in their cars. It can be that they ask if they can wash their hands while at your home.

-At this moment we can not deliver at clients who have colds or a fever  to prevent spreading the virus. If you should have a cold or fever, we request that you please call us to move your appointment.

Further, we would like to bring to your attention that at this moment we can not de-install old mattresses, beds, or other pieces of furniture and dispose of them. If this is required, then we will need to schedule a new appointment. If you remove the old mattress, bed or furniture piece to make space for the installation, then we can keep the appointment.

In case of questions or comments please contact us directly by telephone: 088-6668743 (or 088-MONTRIEURS) (NL) or 015-140779 (BE). You can also email:

Best regards,


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